Sell your art on the #1 phone personalization app in the world

Turn your creations into wallpapers, video wallpapers, ringtones or notification sounds and use Zedge to put them in front of more than 38 million active users.

Artist Tools

  • Artists can create multiple store pages to promote different styles or items

  • Set your own prices -- give some items away, place others behind ad gates, or charge a specific retail price. It's up to you!

  • Dashboards and financial reports let you know who's buying your creations, and where, in real time.

Items you can sell


Video Wallpapers


How it works

Upload content

Create your business and upload content

Get approval

We will review your work and approve it.

Earn money

You can publish and sell your artwork on Zedge app

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I upload anything?

Your work must be completely original, non-derivative, digital images, ringtones, notification sounds or video wallpapers.

How do I make money?

You choose if and how much to charge for your work, and keep 70% of the money it earns.

How much can I make?

We have artists making $10,000/month and we're working daily to increase that number

Is it free?

Yes. There are no upfront costs to join Zedge.

Get Zedge App



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ZEDGE is a trademark of Zedge Inc.